[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…
Hello :D Hello guys, been visiting this site for the past few months and I must say good job for the admins/leaders/mods or whatever you call them for mantaining the site :3
Anyways, my name is Nic…
Greetings, everyone! I've been visiting Fakku for a couple of months now, but I feel I should make an account and start talking to you all. Any questions you have, I'd be more than obliged to answer. To start off, I'm fro…
O hai. Hello everyone, my name is Noah, or you could just call me "Wittyyyy." Whatever you prefer. I am 18, I am a long time anime fan, I've been watching anime ever since I was 10 I think. So yea, I thought…
Hi everyone! Hey everyone, how's it going. I go by the name of Solidin as you can see. I've been on this site for quite some time now and I figured I should get…
Hi everyone! my name is jun and im from Canada, been visiting this site week to week and finally decided to go on and regi xD i like to go on SC2 and PS3 when Im not on Fakku! my gamer id's are posted on the video…
Ello I've been here a while, bu tnever seemed to go anywhere outside of the user uploads section XP. So I'm Bob and I'd like to say hi, that and I have an uhealthy obsession with infinite space and Yu Gi O…
After years of stalking... ...I finally created an account on Fakku. Hey, my name is Din Lu Rouge (well it isn't. but it's my pen name). You can call me whatever. I'm a 20-year-young artist lady from the States, currently resid…
My first time... Hello everybody, My name is Yurigrl21. I am 21 years old and am new in these forums. :). I like Danny Choo, Yuri Hentai and manga and anime in general. Nice to meet you all. :D
THIS IS AN INTRO THREAD Yo all. after years of stalking(and a trip to AX) I have FINALLY DECIDED TO LOG MY BUTT IN HERE!!! So yeah. I'm a cosplayer of sorts, go to conventions, among many other random things that assort my d…
Hey y'all Hey y'all
I'm a street artist living in Sydney (Australia), and i'm new to the whole hentai thing. if you could recommend me some that pieces that would be rad.
Nice to meet you all I'm Warrior90, gamer and a wannabe story writer (haven't actually released anything for public). If you like music, good writing and bad jokes, then I think we will get along nicely. Anyways, hi!
Ossu~! Hey all~! I've been around Fakku for almost a year now and decided to join the community recently!
In the Ani-Manga community, I've previously been a translator for Franky-House scanlation…
Hello. c: Ohai c:
So I'm kclo4. :3
I was reading this manga the other month called "Fairy Tail" and decided to find some doujins of it, which I did at fakku. :3
After reading some doujins abo…
Hello ^.^' I'm new to this stuff so please don't judge me too harshly. Demon343 is my name for just about anything i can think of. I'm a gamer, musician, reader, boxer, and anything else can just be asked and an…