[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…
I'm awesome. Haaaaaaave you met Barney? What up?
That's right, awesomeness has landed on FAKKU. It's gonna be legen[size=10]wait for it[/h]dary!
Now, FAKK…
anyone from england here? my parents are actually pakistani, but i was born in england.
for the record, i like fish and chips, with mushy peas, and tea too...
anyone english on this website?
hellooo thar. i've been a member for like a month or so,but never bothered introducing myself,im heather. I'm 19,5'9 and i'm a bit of a nerd...okay,major nerd. but yeah, ask me anything,and i just wanted to say hey…
A little overdue Almost a year maybe? I made an account recently, I used fakku for along time without one. I doubt I am much different from any other user. I tend to watch alot of anime and like the sound of rain.
a newbie > introductions, introductions...
umm, hi-ish >< i've been a lurker around this site for an extremely long while, and i wanted to make an account on this forum on many occasions, but i…
I guess this is where I'll begin Some of you may recognize my name (though I hope not, in most cases it'd be awkward), but for those who do not, well, uh, hi.
I'll confess, I've lurked here anonymously and accountlessly before …
Save the panda's. Hello all ..
I am Antipanda... I am a panda that is not a panda ...
Yes I know that makes no sense.
Let see what to say what too say ... Love movies .. anime manga .. hentai ... an…
Meeting Jacob at Otakuthon led me here Hi everyone,
I'm Hyouzan
It actually feels like the proper way to greet other people out there is to create an introduction topic. Let me know if I'm wrong. to yesterday I had …
Yo.. Hey.. Ive been visiting fakku for quiet sometimes than i saw a forum and a join button... Decided to join in.. Im a just a typical singaporean... Love to watch anime.. Sometimes bored and search for h…
admitting it to myself i like hentai. there. i said it. WHAT A RUSH!!!! (fresh meat huh..)
i can't explain to you the liberation i've felt in the past few months lurking here. it makes my heart beat faster just …
Hey I'm a pinoy (filipino), or half at least. I enjoy my games for psp, ps3 and pc. I do some many stupid things with my friends. Recently, we started pandalizing (posit…
sup so some stranger danger dude from Omegle was like lolpr0n site and I'm like ah well lets take a look see here and then bam here I am now, so hello!
Hello from Venezuela Hi, I had been on this page foe a long time but have never introduce myself mostly because I had a really but really slow internet connection. Sorry to if I misspelled something english isn't my first…
Generic Forum Greeting topic Yello everyone.
i recently discovered Fakku while browsing for Hentai on Google and i am glad i found this place all the Hentai my eye balls can handle and more so =P…