Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Hello Fakku! Hello! I am brand new to the site. Dessert showed it to me this morning and I decided to join. It is a pleasure to meet all of you and I look forward to interesting conversations in the future.…
Just one more lurker I am glad to meet my fellow lovers of hentai and anime. Really you are just as demented and sick as I!!!
Heya! I'm Higufuuindo (yes, that's overcomplicated Japanese-like nick that probably doesn't mean anything) and I have been using Fakku for quite some time. I haven't really wrote anything here …
Hello to fellow otaku~ Hello to all, In fact that I've joined fakku quite long, I never introduced myself here... -_-' So here's my personal information: (Some are hidden for individual information)…
Awsome Fricken Totally! Long time viewer, First time poster. Name: Mike Age: 23 Weight: Too much Height: Too much Love this site have been visiting snice 2008 and very happy with it.…
Hey im back! Sadly during the maintenance my account was deleted but I'm back now. Hurray!
Hi All Hi, I joined this site to post my huge hentai collection (over 400 movie titles). Sadly, majority of my files (already uploaded/ awaiting upload on RS/MU) are banned on this site.…
Hellos... Hello. I'm Kotone. I'm a 21 year old Asian girl... I am a little tall for an Asian, and a girl in general I suppose... I like to read and watch sports. I don't like to post in forums unless I have som…
Another 'hello' Well, I signed up quite a while ago, but, I didn't save(or remember) my password. I was singing up for another forum when I used a password that seemed familiar. Loandbehold it was the one I had use…
I should have done this a long time ago... Hi! I've been a long-time reader of Fakku goodies and I've been meaning to go onto the forums but I get lazy (YOU KNOW YOU DO TOO). I love Super Junior, drawing, megane AND SHORT HAIRCUTS!…
Konnichiwa FAKKU RULES!! hi everyone im glad this website existt. glad i found a website and forums where i can be myself (perv, i kno, isn't everyone at least a bit perv tho?)
hey im hentai san Im new to the forums not new to the community ive been visiting the site for awhile now and i enjoy the site very much i work in tech support and im a big fan of anime i also play video games read boo…
The Otaku Capoeirista Foodie Hello to all those who actually care. As you can plainly see, I go by the username of VillainousHanacha. I use the same username on Youtube, Sankaku Complex, and I go by Vi…
Konbanwa! Good eve peeps, i've been on Fakku for what feels like forever, was linked to the site by my best mate. Been here, surfing for the weird stuff, in the shadows. lol. But needed to make a request and go…
Hello, I am Mangaexpert Hello, i dont really know how to introduce myself goes nothing Im an addict concerning manga, hence the name, and i waste a large amount of time on manga. I love the VN's here, and th…
Hello Just saying hi :3
Nipah! Fakku Peeps :3 Hey Everyone! Nice to be in a place where I can be myself :3 I hope to have a great time while I'm on Fakku!
Fakku Has A Forum !?! I was reading the manga on Fakku for a few months before I realized there was a forum...Well, I signed up, then didn't do anything. Always been more of a lurker...but I've decided to at least make my…
Hey, guys! I can already tell I'm going to like it here. I've taken a quick browse through the forums and it seems like a great community, I can't wait to get to know you all!
Heyas folks! Hey there, I'm table, 21 year old guy from England. Why Table? Why not. I've been a hentai fan for perhaps longer than should be mentioned, longtime visiter to this site, only just bothered to s…