Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Greetings, First time poster, long time reader. Greetings and Salutations, This is my first post here and probably slightly in the poor taste area, however... ever since I found fakku i've loved the manga i've read. seeing how thi…
hey folks! :] Hey folks, I've been checking out FAKKU! for a while now without registering, thought I register for a change and be a part of this fine community. Catch ye later!…
HI! Hello, all. Im not new to fakku, by any means, but this is my first time actually posting on the forums. I dont suspect I'll be posting up any hen-tie, but I shall be posting …
Greetings from the NE Kingdom! Hello all. I'm a North East USA cartoonist who happens to love hentai. I don't draw much of it, but maybe someday when I have more free time I can sketch some stuff up. My work is …
Hello (>O_O)> Well I wanted to introduce myself, I have been on this site for about a year but didn't have time to create an account at first when the site was first given to me I thought it was another…
hey ^^ i dont know what to write here... helo ^^
Hey Technically I'm not new to the site because I've been going to this site for several months ^_^'. Today, I decided to stop by the forums and make an account. It's nice to meet you guys and ummmm yeah.…
hi hey all! i'm not really new since i've been comin by this site (no pun intended) for awhile now.. and finally got around to creatin an account. so anyway, yep. nice ta meetcha.
i am J i am J, dont fuck with me... i'll post what i want to post.... if you got a problem with it, go see your muthafuckin doctor.. i give negative replies, i criticize a…
Hello Hello i have been subscribed to this forum for a long time,it is about time i start using the forum. Hello! ^0^
'ello Name's kiriku, not much to say about myself. I like various things, but like al of you I'm pretty sure we know what's one of them (ie hentai). In anycase hope to see you guys around.
My name is deliciouscake... ...and I like hentai.
Oh Hai Thumbnail
Oh Hai Hi Guys been meaning to post pics of my hen-tie shirt buy my new compy dosnt have a floppy drive and this sony mavica dosnt make things very compatible well a little about my self I'm 24/M/ID i play…
Ohio Hi......... Hmm, I never knew intros were so hard to come up with up until now. Well I'll just keep it at this; up until now I've been a FAKKU! member with an account and everything but ha…
hello everyone good morning, or good afternon (depends on the time you look at it) my real name is dario, but you can call me piro, Im from dominican republic( an talking spanish country) so maybe I'll fail on my wr…
heLLo everYonE.. i am eLLy im just using the screename pokemonsteR for a screen name... its nice to meet and know you aLL... by the way coUld anyone help me on this hentai movie ANEIMO.. i have…
Hey Wats up err... yea... >_>" *waves* hello :o
hello smexy puerto rican =D Thumbnail
hello smexy puerto rican =D hey everyone the names jrob and im new to this site hope to get to know all yah and be good friends 8)
No really, doing nothing is my sex! Hiya everyone. Cuperos here, lured in by your great stock of P&G and the urge to comment on a few things from a writer's viewpoint (lol yeah...plot depth and porn) A little…
So, this is making me really nervous... Seriously, I hate posting on the forums. It's like exposing your testicles to an aquarium of rabid piranhas. Buuuut, because I love fakku so much, and want to be part of the amazing, dive…