[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…
Hey everybody Hi,
My names Richard and I have been browsing(fapping)fakku since the Beginning I think? (3-5 years? Was it really that long ago? :P)
I love a few manga's and anime's, but the …
There's a girl on FAKKU?! Holy flipping shit! Yeah... I guess girls aren't all that common around here. We hide. XD
Some of my favorite doujins on here are the Tayu Tayu series, Aqua Blue, and Hatsu Inu. My favorite pairing to…
Hello Fakku here's Jago I was told of this site by ZeriamoftheNight and I've known him for 6 yrs and he's one of my best friend's.I like animes of the fighting genre and I'm a mad gamer my favorite game series is Castlevania…
Hello Hello everyone. My name is Anthony and im a college student. I'm into anime, manga, hentai and video games. I hope to get along with everyone and have fun! :wink:
Hello Hello my name is smtnocturne like you I to love hentai and I shall be looking at various posts on the forums and I believe that is all for a greeting that I can think of so that is all :)
NEW! But not really. HI!
My registration date's fresh but I made a new account.
I just wanted a different username.
I think it sounds much more fitting. n_n
I was formerly milk-chan bu…
Seishiro Haga reporting I was already made my own introduction before, but since it got deleted i just feel like doing it again.
even tho i made one post before this i still believed i should introduce myself properly um i enjoy this site a lot and the people on it iv read a good amount of the manga on here and the next time i watch a hentai I'm planing on watch a…
Not So New Face Hi guys Im Alshep I've been a member scince last year but never introduce myself .
Love Hentai and Video Games, I love the cummunity.
FAKKU its awesome love the page haha well this is my i…
Greetings! Hello all =P ive been a lurker for a really long time now and only recently decided to be active in the forums (thanks to the Mote Mote battles actually). I'm late with introducing myself but doing it…
Tuning in I've been lurking here for a while but never really posted anything until just now..
Im a bit of a noob with boards like these so try and bear with me ^^
Fakku is an awesome site really, t…
The great Immortal Pervert is here! Hello one and all! It is I one of the greatest hentai lovers around! I have finally found some time to not just lurk but also post and become a regluar fourm going person as well. So again I say hello…