Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Hi :) I've always been on fakku reading hentai but this is first time i register …
Hello everybody!! Hi everyone Ive been lurking here for awhile(not a first i bet :P), but now i wanna join up and make some friends if possible! I like video games, swimming, and much more xD so...yea bananas
Another fella coming to say howdy So hey people of Fakku! I used to be a lurker on this site for a while, and then recently the rules changed where you had to be logged in to view certain content, and here I am. I had mos…
hello im a new perv... and im no afraid to admit it hehe
No more lurking. I have been lurking for so long... I decided to finally join the community. So, Howdy.
Well, hi there! I've been looking for a hentai site where everybody isnt anon on the forums. I like cats, japanese candy, cute girls ^__^, drawing anime style super heroes, tea, vinyl toys, and shopping for art suppl…
New Pervert Hey Everybody I've been here for about a year and finally decided to sign up and make it Official.
hello hello~ well after months of debating if i should make an account or not, here i am! i'm nicole, an english chick that just really likes hentai i'm hoping to meet other people with the same intere…
New here ^_^;;; it said I'm new as the title suggests....I was looking for a site with good yaoi and a friend suggested this and glad I yeah...hope to make new friends ^^
Hello there :3 Hello guys, girls and others ;3 I'm Jizzoka, like a pervert and all I enjoy reading hentai and taking long walks on the beach (Hopefully to spot a monster girl/guy). Most of th…
Fakku gets another pervert Greetings FAKKU Community i am new here.I am using FAKKU Since 2011 and decided to create account. I like NTR ,Tentacles,Group,Housewife,Pettanko,Chikan,Yuri so …
Hello everyone! I tried making this post before, but I posted it in the wrong section and with my luck people thought I was trolling. Q_Q, Anyways I've been using Fakku for 3-4 years without having created an account…
yo all i'm a french male, 22 Y-O, in monpellier. I'm not into one fetish specificly. I am currently trying to make a flash game/animation. still training, no real project working on. If you draw and wa…
Aquaphile powerhouse !!!!! Well, some may know me as Archaeo in another fetish world... Anyway, since I have a lot of stuff beside watery ones I'D like to share,I tough I could step in. But for now, I'll just take …
Greetings! I hail from the mighty Land of Galstor! I have followed your strange and perverted site from afar, but now I have decided it was time to join your community and meet the many people who inhabit this p…
Greetings. Thumbnail
Greetings. Hello, after years upon years of lurking a certain someone *whisper* Ryssen *cough* finally goaded my into making an account. I'm still rather clueless about using f…
Hey Everyone Thumbnail
Hey Everyone After i guess 4 year i finally made an account haha but yea really nice to meet eveyone and hopeful someone can help me find a really doujinshi XD
Heya I guess it's time I made an intro. I've been viewing fakku for a little over 5 years now(?) and I made an account about 2 years ago. I watch anime, lurk fakku, and I make pizza for a living. What else…
the intro and a plea for help hi there I just made an account on fakku and wanna say hi also I am looking for this particular website with adult comics it has rikku from ff 10 or ff 10-2 on its "enter if you are over …
Returning after a long time Returning after a long time, I see a lot of new people and only a couple old ones. Well I suppose this is the part where I say something else... ... ... well guess not but I like t…