Vashra: The first one

Hello everybody,
I'm fairly sure you all know how awkward it feels to post in a topic while having a "0 posts" sticked next to your post, so why not start off in the beginner's section?

I'm an 18-year old guy from Belgium, and I'm currently in my last year at school. I'm studying science/languages, and I'm somewhat starting to regret the science part. I plan on going to law school once I have finished my horrible last year, and I'm sure I will miss it when it's over.

I love reading books, not the ones filled to the brim with kids getting cancer, alcoholics and incest (not even in doujins) but I like to read something fun!
In case anyone shares this vision: my favorite author is Terry Pratchett. He writes great books, often satirical works, about modern society but in a fantasy/medieval setting. (See avatar)

I am not addicted to gaming. I prefer the term "dedicated". I have been playing videogames long before I can remember, and I've been glued to them ever since. I didn't have a lot of friends as I was quite weird, so I had to find some hobby. Now, I am not weird, I am eccentric, the difference is in the succes!
Welcome to the forums, you'll find nothing but eccentrics here ;)
Welcome to Fakku Vashra
Welcome to Fakku! You'll only find eccentric perverts here.
Welcome to the site, your avatar creeps me out but I like it.
Monster Girl
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