Yo! I've been occasionnaly lurking on Fakku for about a year now, and finally decided to signup after going to Fakku's Panels at Otakuthon this weekend :P
I don't really know what else to say to better introduce myself, and so here are some facts about me!
Name: Either Alocer, Bubex, or simply Alex.
Age: 25
Occupation: Student / Video Games sales clerk.
Likes: Video Games, Anime, TV Series, tabletop RPGs, Music, meat, drinking, hanging out.
Dislikes: Drama, extreme fanboy/fangirl-ism, rude people, asperagus.
Thanks for the welcomes :)
As of right now, my hobbies include playing WoW casually while waiting on SWTOR, fiddling in FL Studio to create interesting sounds, reading some H.P. Lovecraft, and hanging out with friends before school starts again in a week XD