Like so many before me I'll introduce myself to this great site.
I go by the alias of Magroth and I'm an 21 year old guy and hope to have a fun time with all of you!
Been generally interested in hentai since I was what..14 maybe 15 and it started with dragonball and surfing for Videl. ^^
After that it sort of just grew. Was a member at hentaigeeks for a while untill that changed.. for the worse.
I've resently started becoming intrested in crossdressing hentai. So if anyone could hit me up with some doujin names I'd be greatfull. Other than that my favorites are the ones based on an anime series i watch, no special setting just that I know the characters.
In any case hope to have a great time here!
Edit: Was adding capital letters.. I'm lazy like that.