You know I haven't properly introduce myself

Hello! Hola! Bonjour! Guten tag! Hajimemashite!
Havok-desu! Yo soy Havok! I'm Havok!
Anyways most of you probably already know me from my upload thread(s). But I guess I should introduce myself.
Lets see I'm a 20 year male livin' in San Jose CA. Part time student majoring in History with a minor in Japanese(but please don't ask me to translate stuff I don't know much beyond the basics) I'm your general geek/nerd stuff, you name it, I probably like it.
Any questions?
You like ALL kinds of porn? No exceptions?

Nice to have you introduce yourself.
i havent inteduced myself yet eather but i dont think il eaver do usaly i will say welcome to fakku but i cant this time so i say Hello fakker nice to letting me know you and hopfully you will remane active :P
Well I guess it's nice to see you've gotten around to actually introducing yourself. Welcome to FAKKU(as late of a welcome as it may be)
Monster Girl
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