Yubisoft wrote...
In August last year new stock arrived for this
Pandemonium in Blackwell's (this is not an ad, it is just the bookstore where I buy from). Was this an official reprint from your side or they just found some stock somewhere? To be honest I am interested to know not only about a possible reprint of Pandemonium but also for the rest of
NaPaTa's physical version of his books. As far as I am aware you still publish books from this publisher. Thanks in advance for any info you can give me
I can't imagine why it wouldn't be our book, it's possible some random stock was found. As long as it has our logos on it then you shouldn't have to worry. I really encourage you to pick our book up from a local shop in the UK, it encourages distribution overseas so more of our books are available at a cheaper price versus overseas shipping :)