1990s era hentai manga I can't remember the name of

I was browsing a Black Friday eroge sale on another website and thinking "man these eroge are super old now" when I was suddenly reminded of an erotic manga I haven't thought about since the 90s.

Here's all I can remember:

  • It's not Bondage Faeries, but it was around at the same time I think

  • Probably fan-translated (at the time; that may have changed since) as I was reading it on my PC

  • Had an occult theme (I remember there being pentagrams and stuff)

  • A female main character who I think was posessed by a spirit named Alhazzared Elhazzared

  • It's not El Hazard, despite what Google says when I try and Google that

  • It's not Deus Machina Demonbane

  • It's not Mystery of the Necronomicon

  • It's not Bible Black or its spinoffs

Does anyone have any ideas what it might be?

EDIT: found it! It was Princess of Darkness https://myanimelist.net/manga/3440/Princess_of_Darkness

I wonder if any company has picked up the rights to any of the old Eros Comix / MangErotica titles like this and Secret Plot?
Dang, this sent me back! Would be neat if Fakku started licensing classics for distribution.
I myself loved Slut Girl and Domin-8 Me/Take On Me and actually managed to get physical copies way back when, though I gave Domin-8 Me to a friend as a present.
Thank you so much!!! I was searching for Princess of Darkness and all i could remember was El Hazzared! <3