"Few stood aginst many...."
Just got through seeing the movie. Lives up to the hype my friends. Great music, Beautiful script, and of course KICK-ASS BATTLES.It even becomes oddly touching as you watch the Spartans fall in battle for the ideals of freedom, and if thats not enough for you it has lots of boobies in it :wink: This makes you wish you had paid more attention during world history.
Yeah, this movie was amazing. I saw it opening night, I just wish my friends and I got there sooner. We had to sit in the very front haha It was painful but sooooooo worth it. I was so all about Sparta that the next day I decided to go see the band Sparta at a show just cause they were named Sparta.
Oh ya! The movie did live up to all the hype, but can you believe that on some sights like on Yahoo and Google there are people bashing the movie because it wasn't historically accurate or mis-portrayed Persians.
why in the world are iranians bitching about the mivie it had nothing to do with them it had to do with greek and persia and it happened OVER 2000 YEARS AGE FOR PETE SACK. good greif you cant make a good movie without SOMEONE moaning and groaning that it offends them. seriuosly how can the story of the 300 spartans offends them i personaly think its a very inperational and very moving movie of human spirit and heart. ok ill stop now before i get myself to worked up grumbles. oh ya and dont ferget FOR SPARTA!!!!