WhatTheHekc wrote...
Hey y'all, im a tad new here and was wondering how literally anything works. Tbh im lazy as fuck and haven't really looked hard, so Id greatly appreciate it if someone could set my head straight. There are such things as hidden tags? I made an acc like 5 days ago and all of the sudden everything is locked? Do you get unlimited for signing up and ive been unconsciously cruising off that for like maybe a week? Cheers in advance.
unlimited is a collection of chapters from magazines
there are all under the comics section, or will have a red F next to them,
if you sub you get access to all stuff with an F and you get access to the H videos.
Book are separate and not part of unlimited, these tend to be full tank that fakku get a licnece for,
translate and print, you can either buy either a physical copy or a digital copy.
than you have doujins, which are either translated by fakku other people which are sold on fakku.