It's really not a big deal. Turn the volume down for two minutes, until the song is over, then turn it back up, and whammo! No song playing in the background.
That, or you can not spend more than five seconds looking at the threads in that section. Go to IB, click a thread, read it, and then go back to IB. Repeat as necessary.
[size=10]I listened to the song twice now. I actually like it..
Anywho, just about everyone offered good advice, including the option to "Run Away". If I were you, I'd do what the HentaiElder does.. and just click "View Posts Since Last Visit".
By doing that, there's no music. Plus! You'll be able to see everything that went on since your last login. It's what I always do and it helps to keep me up to date. But I guess that doesn't help much if you don't care about the most recent post and you're more interested in specific sections of the Forums.
Actually, I just use the search for new posts and skip the forums pages all together, or use tabs and go by it quick when I'm listening to music or something.