gunmaster999 wrote...
hmm anxiety is more classified as feeling nervous, loss of appetite, like having to show bad grades to your strict parents..
maybe you were just feeling horny then.. hahaha
Well lemme explain more in detail.
8th period class the teacher is reviewing what we have learned. I'm sitting in the back of the classroom fingers doing that tapping thing foot going up and down the hunger I felt to go to home and just raid the fridge and play WoW is all gone I stare at the clock blankly listening to my heart race but oddly enough I see nothing in front of me and my breathing is a lil faster then usaual making the girl beside me stare strangly and wonder what the fuck. I feel nervous that I won't get to my car in time, that I did horriable in my test, that my girlfriend is going to dump me, that I will get another detention, etc. etc. and also I just plain wanna get the fuck outta here cause the place is driving me insane with the echoing voice of the teacher. Soon as the bell rings I sprint all the way down the hallway ignoring every teacher who says "STOP RUNNING!" Make it all the way outta the school in less the 30 seconds fumble my keys around dropping them one to seven times scratching the keyhole place as my heart is racing more and I'm sweating more and more and more. Once I get in the car and drive away all these feelings stop. I slowly return to normal gain an appetite that scares any human being as I go to McDonalds and eat roughly 15 Chicken SAndwichs.
Edit: I thought it was anxiety and still do but if that's just how bad I really REALLY wanted to get outta that school lol that was definatly some knida problem. Also forgot some details lol.