So a little while ago I thought I'd take another shot at learning to draw. It's something I've wanted to be able to do for a while, but I've not pursued it as actively as I should. Anyway, my recent efforts are posted at
my DeviantArt page.
Some of the drawings are copied from manga or from a how to draw book. I try to balance it with some original stuff, but the copies turn out looking better >.< I need to do a lot more original works to practice proportions and perspective, but I feel like I learn a lot about coloring from the copies.
Here are a couple of my pictures that particularly like
This one is from The Monster Book of Manga. It took me forever, but turned out well.

Here's the main character from 1213, a small 3-part game by Yahtzee!

And here's me at the best handheld ever, the DS.

I'd also like to do some ero art in the future. As DA isn't the best place to post that kind of stuff, I'll probably post it here for you guys if I ever get around to drawing any.