I couldn't pass up free artwork by any type, so you don't have to worry about me being picky.
I decided I wanted to try out drawing her again myself, I'm gonna stop by an craft store after work tomorrow and pick me up some different pencils (I'm a sketcher - I can't operate a computer well enough for art)
But thinking back and looking at some of my old art work I'm at least motivated to try again
Okay, so here's a
REAL rough draft of one. I just wanted to get it out in the open, I didn't use anything but a mechanical pencil and it's non existent eraser to smear around stuff in attempt to fix. I ended up giving up on doing that and just went with the flow. It's 5am and I just wanted to get it out of my system. I didn't even bother with details such as hands
I'll try drawing it better later tonight
I used a source, obviously, but I just wanted a pose
There's what I used to look at, I saw it and saw my avi
Once a real one is finished I'll actually scan it =\