HokutoCorpse wrote...
Ok some might know I got a new laptop http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Gateway+-+Laptop+with+AMD+Athlon%26%23153%3B+II+X2+Dual-Core+Processor+-+Midnight+Blue/9695339.p?id=1218150605281&skuId=9695339
Thats the exact one I received. Paid $550. Then someone I know from the army sent me this one http://www.abt.com/product/42920/ASUS-N90SCA1.html?utm_source=scfroogle&utm_medium=sc&utm_campaign=froogle
Idk if this the same one. Now I am pretty sure that this one I received is better. But how much better is it? Also which is better? Windows 7 or Windows Vista Ultimate? One more question. How do I disable that annoying user thing. The one where every time I start a program it ask me if I want to use it.
The second one from the army is allot better, but it does of cause also cost three times more.
The highlights (nr. one vs. nr. two):
Screen: 15.6" (1366 x 768) VS. 18.4" (1920x1200) - full HD on a TV is 1920x1080
CPU: AMD Athlonâ„¢ II X2 2.0GHz VS. Coreâ„¢2 Duo Processor T9600 2.8GHz
HD: 500GB VS. 1TB - both at 5400 rpm
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4200 VS. GeForce GT220M 1GB DDR2
So the screen is very large in the second one, which means that it will be hard to carry around, and not be very portable, but on the upside then has HD resolution.
The cpu in the second is just newer, and faster. The second one also has twice the hard drive space installed.
The graphics card on the one you bought has to "borrow" ram from the main memory pool, while the second one has 1GB dedicated (and much faster) ram installed on the graphics card.
Did someone from the army really send you the second laptop? or did you just mean the link?