Comartemis wrote...
So long as we differentiate between "n00bs" and "newbies", I s3c0nd th4t. :P
There is a difference between 'n00bs' and 'newbs'
n00bs are people who think they know everything from the beginning but know nothing at all. They whine and bitch when they lose, they say they are better then you and brag about it forever if they beat you, and they are...well n00bs.
While newbs are people who are new to a game and are there to learn. They might ask for help or they might not. They will say good game if they lose, and good game if they win. They are the polite people who turn into the 1337 in the end.
I hardly call people n00bs unless I truly mean it, I've been gaming since I was 5 and I never run around acting bad ass when I know I might die any second. One thing I learned was: If you think you're god, prepare to die.
I only use 1337 when im joking around with friends(fux j0!), and I'm always polite in a game, whether I lose or win(unless I know you...then imma be a bish about it for fun's sake).
I'm no n00b and never will be, but sometimes I am a newb.
York wrote...
I feel sad for new players who get attacked by veteran players for no reason at all. It's the New players who are arrogant who deserve to be punished. Not the nice and humble ones. The nice humble ones can become friends and good allies as you go along in a game. If people took the time to differentiate between the two we'd all be better off.
I agree, when ever I join a full pk game I get killed almost instantaniously by someone thats been playing for a very long time. But if im a high lvl and i see someone picking on newbs, I help them out by raping the bish who is trying to kill um /gg(by rape i mean murder most foul). Always protect to newbs and kill the n00bs, because who knows? The newb may be way better then you in the future~