Clowkusanagi's anime artworks

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I like your art very much, it deserves a +rep. I'm going to keep watching this thread.
You've got some pretty awesome stuff bro. Keep up this work and you'll go far.
Pretty good, just that the anatomy is a little too fleshy for my tastes sorry XD

My style's too adapted to the generic moe already (orz)

Keep up the good work!!!
I wish, I can also draw something like that.
Nice stuff you got there Clow, i'll be keeping watches on you through DA =O
Another fan of this anatomy and colouring work incoming. dA watching and anticipating. :)
I like the way you did it.It was nice.
Thanks for the responses guys :D, and sorry for the lack of updates, but my work is killing me >.<

Barely had any time to draw, basically.

Anyway, this is my current project, a K-on fanart, starting from Mio:
Forum Image:

Any suggestion/critiques/nitpick that you have for my pictures, post away!~

Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
may just be me but isn't one of her ears bigger than the other?
Sorrow Bloodmist wrote...
may just be me but isn't one of her ears bigger than the other?

Is it? When I hide the hair layer the ears are pretty much the same size, that might be because the hair was obscuring the ears sketch.

But thanks for the input, I cleaned the sketch a bit this time :p

And a new update for the sketch, with Ritsu added in:
Forum Image:

As usual, comment/critiques/nitpick will be appreciated, thanks!

Anyway, enjoy!

Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
Guess it was just the hair was obscuring it cause it looks fine now the only nit pick on Ritsu is that I hope you finish her other arm or if that is how you intend it to be then it looks odd.
Sorrow Bloodmist wrote...
Guess it was just the hair was obscuring it cause it looks fine now the only nit pick on Ritsu is that I hope you finish her other arm or if that is how you intend it to be then it looks odd.

Hmm, I'm still deciding on how I should draw her right arm, but that's a low priority compared to finishing the other 3 girls. I will fix her arm sometime later, after I draw all 5 girls there.
Thanks for the nitpick Bloodmist, I hope you don't mind to keep nipicking anything strange on my WIP, I wanted to make it as good as possible :p

And finally, another 2 girls added, Tsumugi and Yui, so that means Azusa left now. I hope I can finish her tonight so I can start linearting/coloring tomorrow.

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I may sound like a broken record here, but;
As usual, any comment/critiques/nitpick that you have is HIGHLY appreciated :D


Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
I stared at Mugi's head trying to figure out why it looks odd to me and I guess it was just the eyebrows visible through the hat bothering me.....not sure though and Yui looks a bit to masculine. aside from that just cleaning up stray pixels.

as for Ritsu's arm you could draw it similar to the sword arm in your avi just replace the sword with drumsticks
Sorrow Bloodmist wrote...
I stared at Mugi's head trying to figure out why it looks odd to me and I guess it was just the eyebrows visible through the hat bothering me.....not sure though and Yui looks a bit to masculine. aside from that just cleaning up stray pixels.

as for Ritsu's arm you could draw it similar to the sword arm in your avi just replace the sword with drumsticks

Hmm, Mugi's face is looking pretty awkward to me as well, but I can't exactly pinpoint where is the problems. Maybe because of the right eye, due to perspective? And yes, I'm too lazy to erase the eyebrow (at the moment), cause it's that eyebrow that made Mugi special.

And for Yui, is it because of her chest'flatness':p? or is it from her body posture/arms & hands?

For Ritsu, I wanted avoid putting any musical instrument (inclucing Ritsu's drumstick) as much as possible, since everyone is not holding any instrument as well. I feel that it would be pretty awkward if I give Ritsu drumsticks but everyone is holding nothing. Thanks for the suggestion though :p

And here's my final sketch:

Forum Image:

Any suggestions, comment, critiques, nitpick, abuse (I hope not), is encouraged and will be HIGHLY appreciated ^^. I wanted to make my sketch as good as possible before I started linearting & coloring it in the coming days.

Thanks in advances!

Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
wow while looking this over Jaja Uma Way to go started playing......what are the odds

anyways I do agree with the right eye on Mugi as for Yui I think its a combination of the flat chest and posturing it just seems to give somewhat of a masculine feel it might just be bothering me because none of them are flat chested so seeing Yui flat probably started making me feel that.

and I have no nit picks with azusa

and do you intend to color it if you do the quirks might be taken care of during that time after the color gives it a better perspective.
Wow, it looks like they're going for some shopping. I liek that casual clothing style
I'm not familiar with this anime, but from what I've seen, you've nailed the faces down pretty accurately, especially the eyes of that girl in the middle. :)

Regarding the bodies, I feel the girl in the middle and the girl directly to her right have legs that are too long and thick in proportion to their torso. Their thighs seem almost twice as long as their shins, and their boots seem almost bigger than their heads. The girl on the very left seems to be the most successful proportion-wise, although I think all of their feet may be a tad too big.

The girl on the very right has a somewhat awkward pose, but it is also quite a difficult pose to work with because it's pretty hard to convey that her body is twisting. You might want to change her pose or turn her left leg.

Your sketch so far looks quite good otherwise, and I am looking forward to seeing it finished. :)
Hiya, how's everyone doing? :p

Real life is catching up to me, and I'm unable to spend the same amount of time finishing my drawings compared to before... so I'm sorry if I wasn't able to post or reply your replies at all during the past months.

Which is also why my K-on fanart took so much time to finish (with extra laziness as a side dish)

So, without further due, here it is:

Forum Image:

it looks good but if I may say from the left it looks good and they look like girls but wen it gets to yui it looks kinda like a guy ish to me.
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
KanuUnchou wrote...
it looks good but if I may say from the left it looks good and they look like girls but wen it gets to yui it looks kinda like a guy ish to me.

lol thats what I said a few post up still looks pretty good
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