Palmas wrote...
I'm interested in the Peace Corps as well.
I wanted to volunteer before going to college but I believe the majority of people who are accepted are college graduates, I decided to go to school first... bummer.
Also, I think the Peace Corps has a 2 year commitment thing, be prepared for a long time away from home.
Sorry I don't have much experience to share.
Anyway, you have a great goal.
Go for it, man.
I wanted to volunteer before school, also. I was rooting around their site and some of the forums around about the Peace Corps, and I figured it would just be easier to get in with an Associates degree. Also, the length is two years, three
months away from home, and I'm willing to be away that long. The only thing I'm worried about now is paying for the two years of classes. I know the Peace Corps has a sort of deferment type deal to help with it, but I'd like to pay for as much of it myself as possible.
What do you want to do when you join, or where do you want to go?
penelopesays wrote...
I want to join after i get my BA! so hopefully they'll put me in a teaching envrioment rather than a digging toilets one.
probably not the story youre looking for but...
I came to the US 5 years ago, after being born and raised in France. Both of my parents were American, and english is taught in school from a young age, so i didn't really have any language barriers to fight against, but it was really interesting moving from a big city in France to a big city in the US.
good lucky!
I don't mind what I'm doing where ever they send me, as long as my degree comes into play most of the time. I've done hard labor in and out of the city I live in, and most of it was done in my home town.
If you don't mind my asking, what are you getting your BA in, or what are you wanting to teach when you join? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I'm just curious :3. Also, where do you want to go?
How different are the cities? Like, do you see people doing the same things everyday, just in different languages (lol)? Do customs vary, or are mannerisms different? Sorry I'm asking so many questions, I'm really curious, and it's part of the reason I want to get out and see the world.