Do you ever want to get married?

Do you ever want to get married?

Total Votes : 6,328
It would be nice to finally meet a girl that i could marry but three reasons hold me back
1) I look like a walking blob of fat.
2) I act as stupid as i can be.
3) I do not like to leave my house.
I don't believe that a piece of paper binds two people together. The only thing about marriage that makes sense to me is proclaiming your love and life to the person you adore, admire, and would do anything for, in front of friends and relatives.
I believe that if two people love each other then that's all that's needed.
I'll only get married if the woman I love wants to get married. Only to make her happy.
Still getting a prenup.
*Sigh I would rather not get married but you know if life gives you lemons you make lemonade or you completely ignore it.

But if a nice girl who doesn't look fat at least double~D and higher(Hopefully its possible) I'll marry her. . . .

But first I'll date her.
Louisthelight Galactic President
I don't think you need to be married, I prefer to be free.

Yep, 2:30 I don't need that shit in my life.
redpanther wrote...

Yep, 2:30 I don't need that shit in my life.

God damn I need to watch this movie again, I've only seen it once but it was so good. Reminded me of Pulp Fiction in a way.

"This FUACKIN guy"
I'm engaged to a girl I started dating in highschool, people always say it never actually lasts.
Engaged at the moment so I hope it works out
While I marked the first option, I would be hesitant (to say the very least) to do something like that. I'm not a good person, and pretty much the only reason people who know me socialize with me is because they don't know me that well. And I try very hard to keep it that way. Nobody, so far, has come to know me that well.
But if I were to love someone enough to wish to marry them, I really couldn't do that under the false image that I project when I'm around people, and I'm pretty sure any reasonable person would cut all ties with me after finding out that I've been lying to them to hide what an awful person I am. Its sort of a catch-22 that I can't seem to find a way around.
No one will ever be right for me (._.)
OCD + relationships = anxious fapping guy :_(
Yeah actually marriage has been my lifes ambition. People dream of having a good job, my dream is to have a great family.
Not a ritual I'm fully committed to at the moment. I do, however, want to find a girl to spend the rest of my life with.
Married me me? Hell no, ill be a playboy till im 65....then ill marry a hot 16 year old to have my kids and give all my stuff to.
Thev wrote...
Yeah actually marriage has been my lifes ambition. People dream of having a good job, my dream is to have a great family.

same here.... glad to see that other people have this kind of dream, a lot of people keep telling me it's a stupid dream but i never listen to them (then again most of them have been in a lot of relationships)

I'll always be waiting for that right person
Half blood wrote...
Thev wrote...
Yeah actually marriage has been my lifes ambition. People dream of having a good job, my dream is to have a great family.

same here.... glad to see that other people have this kind of dream, a lot of people keep telling me it's a stupid dream but i never listen to them (then again most of them have been in a lot of relationships)

I'll always be waiting for that right person

People saying that its stupid is either stupid themselves or jealous!
Not really, relationships are tedious, and aren't needed to sustain a normal lifestyle.
I'd prefer to be alone for the rest of my life.
maybe one day but not for now
In due time shall I find the one for me till then there's fakku
yeah that ritgh if i find the a great person for my life but ritgh now im alone...
Monster Girl
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