Do you like to cook?

Do you like to cook?

Total Votes : 4,432
I only cook when I run out of ramen and microwavable pizzas, and it will be a cold day in hell when that happens. I'll just burn shit and have to do extra dishes if I cook.
SirTweetums The Emperor of Ecchi
I love cooking but if i'm cooking exclusively for myself i'll go hungry...
I cook almost everything I eat from scratch. In fact, I've eaten out exactly 2 times in the past year, and haven't had any fast food in over 4 years!
I love to cook but I have to have a recipe going into it, then I tweak it.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
I can cook a little bit, but I rarely actually do.
Yeah I can cook I like to cook, but I usually cook when I have to :D
I can cook a mean grilled cheese sandwich, y'all! GRILLED CHEESE FO' DAYZ!
Cook when I has to, parents own a restaurant and the possibilities are endless for what to cook, but I never know what I want to cook
I can cook some foods but most of the time I just don't want to wait for it to cook so I mostly go with microwavable or cereal. Simple quick and it can fill me up for some time.
I only cook when it is a special occasion or I want a cooked meal.
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
I took a cooking class because I defeinitely wanted to know how to cook. I'll cook when I want to and there's ingredients I know how to use.
Put me behind a grill and I will blow your fucking mind!
I like cooking but someone will always cook for me whenever I want
I cook pretty well, but the thing is... I like LIVE on cold cereal... I mean really. One time, it was the only thing I ate for like a week...
Love to cook as it expresses a small portion of how much I care about whom the food is for. And women love a man who can cook.
Hell yeah I a chef
i know my way around a frying pan pretty well i think
The only thing I cook are eggs and rice but only cook some when my folks at home leave me to watch the house...
I learned a bit from cooking classes i had at school, i can do it as long it's not something too complicated.
But i don't really feel like doing it unless i have to.
It doesn't bother me, but I cook only when I have to, and can barely cook a few dishes at most. :|
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Been planning to learn how to cook since forever...

Never had the time though.
Monster Girl
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