Do you watch anime with other people?

Do you watch anime with other people?

Total Votes : 4,271
Self explanatory

I would like to watch with afew mor e people but i don't know people in my town share's the same interest in Animes am Mangas like me -.- too bad
Yup. I usually watch about 3 shows a week with my bf, and then I watch some by myself during the week.
I watch it alone unless it's with my gf (the times when I have one) or my brother (a movie buff so he knows when to shtfu) because most people always ask you questions about anime and talk too much....but I can't tell my gf to fuck off when I'm watching anime or movies(i do it with all av mediums)but luckily the type of girls are get are the same as I am on that subject most of the time

So yeah you cant watch anime with me unless your a female I'm attracted or my brother
I usually watch by myself when I'm at home, but I also like to go to friend's houses and watch there with 2-3 people. Most of them only like dubs, though, and then, only what's available for watching on Netflix.
I walways watch anime alone.. i watch movies with friends but.. all my buds are the kind of people who make fun of everything they see.. so if i were to watch some super serious moment in an anime.. they would ruin it for me.. :P i dont really watch anime all that much tho.. i watch it while havin a snack.. and when takin a break from fakku more or less... EHEH
I used to watch anime alone but then I found an anime club but no one there watch the types of anime I watched, but it was still nice to share in anime watching ;)
MasamuneCZ wrote...
Nothing unusual here, always alone. Would be nice to have a friend to watch some series with, might be fun.

Yeah same here.
i known a lot of people who watch alone....i only tried watching anime with friends once...let's just say opinions clashed...and one guy ended up out a window....luckily.... it was ground floor, and cause of that i watch anime alone....
I watch it alone most of the time.
I feel it's better so I can have my own pace and everything.
There was this particular one I watched with someone but only because we were on holiday together and he lives in another country.
Mostly, forever alone. :3
Alone usually. Unless it's a new episode of Bleach, Naruto, Blue Exorcist, etc. Then I have a friend or two over. Beer pong to follow :)
I only have one friend I watch anime with, but that only happens once in a blue moon for me. So I'm always alone watching it...
Mostly, I watch them alone. But there are a few guys wich I know, and that like anime, and we give each other recomedations and review and discuss them, and given the occasion, we watch them with snacks. Still, that's a little rare, voted for alone.
Mostly alone, but in rare occassion I watch it with one or two friends.
I have several friends that like anime as much as I do. Its nice to have people in real life to talk about it with.
I don't know enough people off the computer who watch anime, especially in the original japanese audio.
I find that if i watch it with people I am always looking for their reaction and hoping its the same as mine. Its much better to watch it alone and then have a great time talking about it with someone else.
70% alone...
30% watch it with my sis (animes like Kobato, Kaichou Maid-sama, and TWGOK.)
Myself mostly, but I just sat down with my buddy Nick and watched some Soul Eater. We had a blast.
alone not always better but better than the person beside me ruining y show with future insites
Monster Girl
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