Callonia wrote...
Dante1214 wrote...
Klorofolun wrote...
What about if you're Indiana Jones, trying to escape from a nuclear explosion that would kill you easily if it weren't for the fact that you were in a movie produced by George Lucas after he went batshit crazy?
Than the fridge is cool. Because refrigerators in the early 1900s were made to double as bomb shelters.
True fact.
What?! That movie was so FULL OF WIN!! And really? that's True? If so, I'd start to look into how to acquire that kind of refrigrator by this summer at earliest. What? Call it being prepped for 2012 XP
Sometimes you guys say things that just...leave me at a loss for words.
It was a joke, folks. A refrigerator is not a safe place in a nuclear blast. Not that you will ever likely experience a nuclear blast anyway.
But if you do, do not hide in the fridge.
pumpkin king wrote...
I dont care if fridges could be nuclear explosion proof back then that still made no sense what so ever along with the rest of that defilment and violation of the idiana jones series people call the fourth idiana jones movie.
Way to bandwagon, buddy.
So aliens are somehow weirder to you than ripping a man's heart out of his chest or Nazis being melted by the ark of the covenant, or a man instantly aging to death from drinking out of a cup? All the other movies went pretty normal, and then at the end had some weird occult reasoning behind it all.
People decided before they saw that movie that they weren't going to like it because for some reason everyone assumes that any modern addition to an old franchise or series is going to be shit.
The new Indiana Jones was not my favorite, but it wasn't the complete shit people want to make it out to be.
So I say again...