I always wondered as a kid how Magic Johnson managed to survive aids, and just a few weeks ago, I think I found the answer. My brother introduced me to a man named Dr. Sebi. According to him, he managed to cure all sorts of diseases from people including Aids. In 1987, he was taken to the supreme court for fraud, but surprisingly he won his case. However, they took his visa since he wasn't a real doctor (in fact, he never went to school). This seemed surreal or like some bad joke, so I'm still doing research before I jump to any conclusions. However, most of the things I gathered so far seem to be positive, with the exception of a website claiming he's a fraud (Testimonial from an actual patient who went to his village for treatment. Her experience seemed like a nightmare).
Dr. Sebi's One Disease theory:
Based on Dr.Sebi's research, he's come to the conclusion that there is only one true disease, and the build up of mucus in the body is the cause of that disease. Most of the things we eat are actually harmful to the body and make us vulnerable to diseases. On his website, he made a list of all the things we should be eating and makes a claim that if the foods you're eating aren't on the list, then it has no nutritional value.
Recommended Food list:
Dr. Sebi says, "Avoid using a microwave. It will kill your food."
-Amaranth greens – same as Callaloo, a variety of Spinach
-Bell Peppers
-Chayote (Mexican Squash)
-Dandelion greens
-Garbanzo beans
-Green banana
-Izote – cactus flower/ cactus leaf – grows naturally in California
-Lettuce (all, except Iceberg)
-Mushrooms (all, except Shitake)
-Nopales – Mexican Cactus
-Poke salad – greens
-Sea Vegetables (wakame/dulse/arame/hijiki/nori)
-Tomato – cherry and plum only
-Turnip greens
-Purslane (Verdolaga)
Dr. Sebi says, "No canned or seedless fruits."
-Bananas – the smallest one or the Burro/mid-size (original banana)
-Berries – all varieties- Elderberries in any form – no cranberries
-Grapes- seeded
-Limes (key limes preferred with seeds)
-Melons- seeded
-Orange (Seville or sour preferred, difficult to find)
-Prickly Pear (Cactus Fruit)
-Raisins –seeded
-Soft Jelly Coconuts
-Soursops – (Latin or West Indian markets)
Herbal Teas
Spices and Seasonings
Mild Flavors
-Bay leaf
-Sweet Basil
Pungent and Spicy Flavors
-Cayenne/ African Bird Pepper
-Coriander (Cilantro)
-Onion Powder
Salty Flavors
-Pure Sea Salt
-Powdered Granulated Seaweed (Kelp/Dulce/Nori – has "sea taste")
Sweet Flavors
-100% Pure Agave Syrup – (from cactus)
-Date Sugar
-Wild Rice
Nuts and Seeds – (includes Nut and Seed Butters)
-Hemp Seed
-Raw Sesame Seeds
-Raw Sesame Tahini Butter
-Brazil Nuts
-Pine Nuts
-Olive Oil (Do not cook)
-Coconut Oil (Do not cook)
-Grapeseed Oil
-Sesame Oil
-Hempseed Oil
-Avocado Oil
In addition to the recommended food list, he also has therapeutic medicines that specialize in areas ranging from helping regulate the resperitory system to basic hygiene. I'm a little overweight, so I'm planning on doing the recommended 30 day fast consisting of nothing but spring water and Bromide Plus capsules. Once that's done, I'll start cooking using only ingredients from the recommended list. I must say, I feel like Neo when Morpheus saved him from the matrix. I'm still skeptical about all this, so the only way for me to ease the doubt is to try it for myself. I'm gonna be a lab rat for the sake of everyone reading this.
30 Day fast Report:
For this fast, I'll be drinking Resource spring water since its the only alkalonized water that is approved by Dr.Sebi's staff. I'll also be taking the Bromide Plus Capsules (4 a day).
[Day 1]
-First day turned out okay, aside from getting a headache, my body feels pretty good. Thanks to the capsules, I haven't had a appetite for anything.
[Day 2]
-My headache went away during the evening, and I still don't have a appetite. I ran out of the recommended spring water, so I'll have to get another recommended brand that doesn't contain Alkaline when I go grocery shopping tomorrow.
[Day 3]
-Wasn't able to get the recommended spring water, so I just settled for filtered water and alternative name brands. Despite not eating, I'm surprisingly full of energy. More so than when I was eating regular foods.
[Day 4]
-Water came in at almost the right time. Also got my food processor in for when I start cooking the alkaline rich foods. Haven't noticed any significant differences. Still full of energy, still not hungry.
[Day 5]
-Feeling pretty good, still got extraordinary amount of energy. I'm also showing signs of losing weight.
[Day 6]
Picked up some herbal tea to improve the effects of detoxification. Also got key limes for the gallon of water I drink daily. No significant changes since yesterday, still full of energy.
[Day 7]
Went to the gym today and left more energized than usual. I even felt as though I could spend more than an hour there. The alkaline water I made with the key limes turned out bitter since I let it sit overnight. Not only has my energy levels improved since the fast, but my mood has as well. It may take awhile for my concentration to see some changes.
[Day 8]
At this point, I'm well used to fasting and the procedures. Eight days without food seems like a dream rather than a reality. It feels like I've eaten even though all I've been drinking is tea and spring water (and the bromide plus capsules). It seems as though my body has adjusted to the changes.
[Day 9]
Nothing new to report, just drank a gallon of water and one cup of tea along with bromide plus capsules.
[Day 10]
Things were going well up to the point where I ate one of the chocolate chip muffins that was sittiong on the dinning table. I feel like I just took a snort of coke. Well, there's 20 days left, so I should get it out of my system in a matter of days.
[Day 11]
Day 11: Every thing is fine. I'm back on track, but still feeling the aftereffects of that muffin from yesterday.
[Day 12-30]
I completed the 30 month fast and the results are pretty good. I went to the doctors and they say I lost 13 Ibs and my blood preassure isn't as high as it was the month before. I've been cooking alkaline foods since I finished the fast and while some foods I don't care much for, there are many that I do enjoy. For instance, avacado pudding makes for a great dessert, spelt nuggets for lunch, stir fry wild rice for dinner, and kamut puff cereal for breakfast. I love the hemp milk which is supposed to be a substitute for cow's milk (walnut/brazil nut milk is also pretty good). I'll still eat foods that I've eaten prior to this lifestyle, but sparingly.
Interview with Dr.Sebi on the Rock Newman Show
Dr.Sebi's website
Ripoff Report: Dr. Sebi is a fraud