OK I was bored, tired, did it in like 2mins so it isn't that great but here we go:
'Twas 2 nights b4 X-mas, and all through the house
Not a person was fapping since good pornz was hard to find than a mouse
Browsing the teh interwebs with out a care
hoping to find some hentai there
I was in my cozy bed
while a vision of new pornz pranced in my head
then I felt like such sap
I was wondering if I should just take a nap
then my interntez started to shutter
I facepalm'd an said,"Oh Brother!"
I tapped F5, only to see
The update Raze left for me!
I thought it totally kicked ass, and totally set me right
And now I end with "Merry X-mas 2all and 2all a good night".
So what do you Guys think?