Korou wrote...
Rin_Penelope wrote...
Nagato Yuuki wrote...
Korou's right, there are times when being first isn't that good.
and that vid just give us teh proof :lol:
btw I still didn't knew who came first, egg or chick?
since chicks aren't the only ones who're able to bive birth to kids by eggs
some ancient beings in the old times gave birth the same way so the egg came first and after some evolutions the chick
More or less. If you are not in denial about evolution, then what really came first is the biological ancestor of the chicken. But since we are talking about macro-evolution it would be almost impossible to determine the exact point at which the creature became what we would consider a chicken. In any case, the first chicken came out of the first chicken egg, so the egg came first.
If you ARE in denial about evolution, then god used his superpowers to suddenly make everything exactly how it is now, a thus chicken came first, lawl.
But since evolution happens and god doesn't, the ultimate answer; egg, bitches.
Now I really wish people would stop bringing it up.