Your speeding through an h-game...
...and you leave the computer because you don't care about all the side conversations. You go to get the door and during your interaction with whomever was at the door the reaches a point where the skip stops and the moaning begins. I ask this because it just happened to me.
I was playing Lucky or Unlucky and I'm skipping through a section on the hair-covering-eye-girl when my food gets here...
[size=10]I had ordered because I felt like treating myself after not having decent food, food I enjoyed eating, in a while[/h]
...I of course go up to get greet the man when I hand him the money a weird sound comes from behind me. I don't grasp it for what it is so instead of grabbing for the food and slamming the door shut I turn my back on him to try and find the source. After another moan I relieze what it was and turn to the delivery guy with a smug expression. He greets me with a take-the-damn-food-you-pathetic-patheic-excuse-for-a-human-being. I in turn continue to give off a RADIANT fake smile take the food tell him to have a nice day with the moaning going on behind me and close the door. I think I ripped at least three hairs from my head :D
So has anything like this ever happened to you?