Have you seen Pacific Rim?

Have you seen Pacific Rim?

Total Votes : 4,121
chaofan wrote...
Americans trying to do a Kaiju movie? That never bodes well. If anyone needs an example of them royally screwing up a Kaiju movie then go back to the 90s Godzilla movie. Not even going to attempt to watch Pacific Rim.

what an ignorant mindset.

your loss buddy!
lol did anyone though that the movie look like it was from Neon Genesis Evangelion expect its 2 people controlling the robot... but that is just my point of view
I'm going to watch this movie expecting no character development, explosions, a decent soundtrack, explosions, giant monsters getting punched in the dick (Metaphorically, though literally would be lovely as well) by giant robots, explosions, and, oh yeah, giant monsters getting punched in the dick by giant robots. And, I dunno. Explosions? I'd like explosions.

I doubt that I'll be disappointed.
It was pretty entertaining, but honestly the writing was terrible. I couldn't get past how cheesy some lines were.
Looks awesome cool , gotta wait and watch on tv
I honestly thought the movie was visually pleasing and a great homage to old giant monster films and giant mecha. The story has room for improvement but I was satisfied with the entertainment value of it
Yeah, among all the monster-type movies I've seen(Disregarding Animated ones), This one tops it.. How would you not like to ride one of those monsters, Imagine that could be the turning points in our war against Titans.. kukukuku..
Too bad it had an awful sell in Japan. Its fairly easy to know why
I could care less about it. Haven't heard much about it, don't like the idea enough to watch it.
And honestly, I've seen enough movies like Pacific Rim to know where it's going.
The game sounds pretty bad too.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Ram-Wolf wrote...
winter55 wrote...
Ram-Wolf wrote...
I'm really curious to see if Idris Elba will be riding in a giant robot. That'll look really really cool. Still a little awkward though, how they stole the name Kaiju from that Cartoon Network movie - Firebreather.


Japanese term for giant monsters. Key word: JAPAN

Did you even watch godzilla?

If you're asking if I saw the original Godzilla movies from the 50's and up? Not really. And don't get uppity with me just because you actually know Japanese. And how many other movies use the word Kaiju to describe a sixty foot tall fire breathing monster that attacks cities at random? Ease up, okay?

Um... a LOT. It's a whole damn sub-genre of film.
Yes, i got to see this movie with high expectations from everything i'd heard about it, and i wasn't disappointed. It's for sure a movie worth watching if you haven't already.
It was a good watch..

P.S. if you ever want to read the Prequel of the Movie I have the comic book form Legendary Comics
Forum Image: http://www.comichype.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Pacific_Rim_Tales_from_Year_Zero.jpg
I saw it in IMAX with some friends, it is truly worth seeing it in the IMAX, if you happen to get the chance to.
It was good for the action but I wish movies like that would stop trying to add plot. It's hard to add any good plot to such a short movie without it getting too much cut out or having an entire series of movies. They should have added more action, especially with all the Jaegers other than Gypsy Danger and it would have been much better.
I love Gypsy Danger!!! It's such an epic name. And I thought it was really good, but it was a little too long, just a little
The 3D version was fakking amazing.
I was pretty surprised with the length of the movie, it was 2 hours! But man....it was worth those 2 hours because the movie was fantastic.
no "Yes, and it sucked" option?
I would love to see it in theaters if I can...I'd pay the insane amount of money to see that movie for sure lol
All i can say is at the ending they faced the wrong direction when they get picked up.
Also, why do they need like 6 choppers to pickup just 2 people???
Monster Girl
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