Hello, first of all, I would like to apologize to the Mod's/Admin's if this thread violates any written or even unwritten rules, just please read the entire post before locking/deleting.
I would like to also point out that I love that there is a way for Fakku to help foot their server bill's, and I always make sure to click ad's.
Although, I have noticed that the ads on the forum can get fairly raunchy. And as I am aware that this website is mostly for hentai, some of us view the forums (actual discussions and such) at work or with our children around. I have the latter (a young son who loves to look over my shoulder at the computer screen).
Therefore, I am posting my solution using the firefox addon Stylish (also works for users of greasemonkey) to hide these ad's, which is able to be turned on and off at will.
Please note that I am not trying to take money away from Fakku, I am just doing my part to help members who want to read the forums try not to suffer the consequences of their boss seeing some chick shaking her ass at them while they read.
To use this, simply write a new style in Stylish and paste this in. While turned on, the area for the adult ad at the bottom will just vanish.
@-moz-document domain(fakku.net)
{display: none}
Thanks Fakku for your wonderful website, and I hope more people can come to love it.