Coco-tan wrote...
Cross_Over wrote...
Coco-tan wrote...
Tracing = doesn't develop any talent.
Only talent it does develop is more tracing.
hmmmm is that so? >.>
so it means that my current talent is just nothing?
sorry to say this coco-tan but I developed more using
this one. I may not be as pro as you are but I would
say that tracing wouldnt developed nothing but tracing
skills. Its on everyones perceptive. If they dont know
the real meaning of tracing then I wouldnt dare to say
it to them..
I dont want to argue but seems like you touched some
parts that I didnt like.
What is more important to you as an artist?
Learning textures, anatomy, realistic value on your own, from realistic models, or to trace them? Tracing does nothing more but develop a more excellent skill for tracing.
How is it fair to you or the artist when you trace their work? It gives you no originality whatsoever. I could understand, perhaps, copying by EYE but never by putting a 8 1/2 x 11 or transparency over a painting or a photo then claiming it as your own work that you developed.
hmmm so it seems like that your point of view is different when
it comes to anayzing things. I wont bother to argue with you bout
this things since there will be no end. As I said, "It depends
on every person on how will they study the tracing method".
I learn alot using this skill and I dont like that its being
treated like that. There are other several persons that also developed
using this skills for sure. Well sorry but I may not be as pro
as you are but I will tell you one thing, if you want to feel
and gasp other styles, the only way to get it is thru tracing
but not just tracing, feel the way the artist draw it. Im not
just talking with a simple minded tracing but rather using more
analyzation on how each artworks are done. You might say that
its no more than a copy cat but honestly, thats the real thing
in this anime/illustration world. Even if you say that one artist
is original, the said artist also signifies other person as well.
Then goes on. Even if you said that its not a part of tracing, well
then I will say that your wrong. Eye movements is also part of
tracing even without the use of a pen and a paper. Dont ever deny
that fact. If you still want to talk bout this issue then go
PM me or make a special thread. Im not going to use this thread
anymore for this argue.
Sorry Pink-Rabbit for using this thread. Deep apologies.