OK, this is a topic for the ones who work or practice on some kind of work.
This topic is for those days when evrything go wrong or when you genarly have a bad day on work.
For me this whole week has ben realy and i mean REALYbad, for a starter im a plumber, the work is realy fun, i get to meet allot of peaple, and i get an nice little salary in the end of the mouth.
usaly i get jobs that are fun but not this week, this week a done nothing but cleanig out peaples drains, its ok at monday and tuesday but then u geting tierd of it, wednesday ok i can withstand that but on thursday you get all tierd, you got no patience, you are tierd of the smell of shit, your arms fell like wet noodles and you are freezeing.
On tusday whas were evrything started to go wrong, im working frome kl 6,30 to 16,30 and aroud 15,15 i get a call frome my boss that i need to go to a costumer to clean out the costumers clogd dran pipe, so after a 15/20 min of car driving i got to the costumers hose, go down to the bacement were there are about 10 to 12 degree c, and stuff all aroud the room whith just enouth room for me and the macine that i use to clear out the pipes with, and a ceiling who is about 20-25 cm to low for me to stand upp straight, and drain whater who is about 6cm over the floor.
And im just thinking A SHIT! OVERTIME
I went home about 19,50, the drain whas still clogd, my shoes filld with shit literaly speacking, my clothes had changed collor to broun and black, had stains all over my face, my hands had so much shit on them that it made its way in to my skin.
Next day i return and start all over again but this time frome the outside of the hose.
I need to go down a well becose i cant reach frome the top of it after a some hours i need to go upp and still no result.
next time i go down after the break i goes down the well again and after about 30min of trying to get the drains to work, i hear a sound and thinking Yes! finaly
i pulls back the wire im using to clean the drain with and pulls out a bathroom carpet, thats when im understand that some were the wire takes a wrong turn and accidently have come upp the neighbour toilet and pincht the
carpet, and the neighbour gets angry becose somthing came upp the toilet and stole there carpet and starts to flush down things, and one of the things that she flusht down cut me on the left hand and im starting to bleed.
im thinking that i need to get my hand fixt and starting ti climbe upp when some i see that the hatch beguin to close, then i see the neighbour that got her carpet pincht, standing with a smile and closing the hatch, the only way i can get upp.
so i got standing down there with a bleading hand, a crasy old hag who has closed the hatch and the only way some one can open it is by lifting it frome the topp but i cant do it whit my hand damaged.
After 30min of swearing i finaly get my cellphone clean enouth to call frome and about 4-5 hours of waiting my colleague finaly found me in the well and there whas were my friday ended.
and it turns out that the neighbour that loockt me in the well has a mental disorder and i cant sue her or anything
Sorry about the spelling but just now i dont care