GameON wrote...
Basically you want to improve your cardioid-respiratory system to build stamina. Like others have said, swimming, cycling, and running long distances are all good activities to help improve your cardioid-repository system.
But remember warm down is just as important if not more important than the actual exercise. If you don't warm down often enough, your body will overload and it will cause more harm than good. So after say a 30 min run, you'll want to rest twice the amount, so an hour of rest so your body can warm down.
Also, start at a slow pace and gradually build up. Don't think, "Im going to get fit! I think ill run for 3km!" Don't ever do this, not only will it harm your body but you'll never build stamina this way. Start at say a 1km run for two weeks, then move onto a 1.5km run the next two weeks and then 2km run etc.
So if you want to build stamina and lose fat, exercise with either swimming, cycling or running at a steady pace and warm your body down at twice the time you did the exercise for.
so for swimming how long should i warm down?