TehMikuruSlave wrote...
Isn't $800 aus like $1500 usd? If so, I bought a stronger computer for $1000...
EDIT: I was thinking of NZ dollars, I suppose that's a good price. I'd get a better processor and Os, but hey, that's just me.
EDIT2: What the fuck, it comes installed with 32bit but the disk for 64? Well fuck, just use the disk to format and install 64bit right away and you're set for the month until Win7 is released.
EDIT3(LOL): Get a blue-ray drive. Seriously.
There's no point installing a 64bit operating system when you're not going to take advantage of it or have apps that require it.
Next bluray isn't a necessity it's completely optional, imo a ps3/slim is a better alternative to getting a built in bluray burner for your computer.
The burnable discs themselves cost way more per gig than just buying a cheap 1Tb hard drive to back stuff up on.
OP doesn't need a better processor I reckon he'd want a better video card 250/260 or 4770/4850 would do him fine.