MRG wrote...
So you just colored in a page from a manga right? I'm not sure but from how you said you just colored it in, that's what I'm guessing. Anyway definitely replace the pink with a darker, or less intense color (it hurts my eyes a bit).
By shading and how can I say it... well for example if you see some parts of the hair kinda shiny, that white, or brighter tone is a highlight. If you look at your own clothes, there is the base color (for example blue) then parts that are closer to the light will be of a lighter/ brighter tone (light blue, maybe faded blue). For shading it just where light doesn't really hit that area (look at your hand, say its just a brown color, where the light is closest would be the highlight, with the brown as the normal color, then where the light doesn't really reach parts of your hand where it's dark brown to even black).
TL DR: Highlights are lighter colors of whatever you are highlighting (light blue on a blue shirt)
Shading is/are darker colors of whatever you are highlighting (dark blue on a blue shirt)
I'm not that good at drawing/ coloring, and at explaining, also this is just the simplest way to highlight/ shade, it gets really technical.
oh i see. i'll edit again when i have the time. dont worry. your reply is very informative for me.