I hate macs from the bottom of my heart...
and the some of the facts are just MACFAgs always bring up like....the OS is more stable and we don´t get viruses is just ridiculous
MAC don´t got viruses because noone EVAR fucking cared about macs but now with the upcoming trend of having a mac, virus attacks on macs will surely grown and since apple isn´t that experienced with viruses like Ms I guess it will be a pain in the ass.
also the lately Os had a lot of problems as well like vista, so don´t come up with that weak argument.
and it´s simply fact that if you buy a mac you don´t pay for the hardware but for the name "MAC" thats all
overpriced weak hardware just to be special thats what macsfags are all about.
sadly to say at my universite there is only on PC lab all the other labs are mac based....so I know the Mac spoof guy despair about macs....
I hate macs from the bottom of my heart...
and the some of the facts are just MACFAgs always bring up like....the OS is more stable and we don´t get viruses is just ridiculous
MAC don´t got viruses because noone EVAR fucking cared about macs but now with the upcoming trend of having a mac, virus attacks on macs will surely grown and since apple isn´t that experienced with viruses like Ms I guess it will be a pain in the ass.
also the lately Os had a lot of problems as well like vista, so don´t come up with that weak argument.
and it´s simply fact that if you buy a mac you don´t pay for the hardware but for the name "MAC" thats all
overpriced weak hardware just to be special thats what macsfags are all about.
sadly to say at my universite there is only on PC lab all the other labs are mac based....so I know the Mac spoof guy despair about macs....
Shit, Too bad I already gave positive rep today :)
Let's see...I spend like 300€ on my PC, I can play pretty much everything, can pretty much do everything, watch blu-ray's and my XP hasn't crashed in 4-5 months. Also no viruses, malware, worms, trojans etc. If your PC get viruses its your own damn fault, don't blame it on Microsoft and/or your OS.
I'm a big fan of Apple products, and currently use a MacBook. I have to say that I prefer Mac over PC. My experience with PC's has been generally bad in every way possible.
IMO, the only real advantages of PC over Mac are games and universality. The Mac is (for me) a lot more fun to use. Keeping track of files has been easier for me, and I've never gotten anything remotely close to the devastation of the blue screen.
Virus issues have also played a role. The sheer amount of viruses for Windows is plain ridiculous. Not only would you have to practice safe browsing, but you'd need a bevy of antivirus protection to ensure that you were safe. Even now, I get notifications (when in Boot Camp) every five minutes about a trojan that is blocked or whatnot. Macs have been gaining popularity for a long while. People have always pointed to a virus that hit Macs as the "megavirus" that would shatter the myth of Mac's invulnerability to viruses, but every virus has fallen short. So saying that Macs will get hit with viruses soon is completely unfounded.
And Macs are hardly overpriced. Go out and look for a laptop with the specifics of a Mac and tell me the price. It's not that Macs are overpriced. It's because they're developed as laptops with better specs.
Oh, and Vista IS straight garbage. XP is vastly superior.
I'm a big fan of Apple products, and currently use a MacBook. I have to say that I prefer Mac over PC. My experience with PC's has been generally bad in every way possible.
IMO, the only real advantages of PC over Mac are games and universality. The Mac is (for me) a lot more fun to use. Keeping track of files has been easier for me, and I've never gotten anything remotely close to the devastation of the blue screen.
Virus issues have also played a role. The sheer amount of viruses for Windows is plain ridiculous. Not only would you have to practice safe browsing, but you'd need a bevy of antivirus protection to ensure that you were safe. Even now, I get notifications (when in Boot Camp) every five minutes about a trojan that is blocked or whatnot. Macs have been gaining popularity for a long while. People have always pointed to a virus that hit Macs as the "megavirus" that would shatter the myth of Mac's invulnerability to viruses, but every virus has fallen short. So saying that Macs will get hit with viruses soon is completely unfounded.
And Macs are hardly overpriced. Go out and look for a laptop with the specifics of a Mac and tell me the price. It's not that Macs are overpriced. It's because they're developed as laptops with better specs.
Oh, and Vista IS straight garbage. XP is vastly superior.
first off all MACs ARE overpriced dude you can get much better stuff for the money you would spend on a MAC.
a Apple MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo, 15.4", T9400 2.53GHz, 4096MIB, 320GB
cost around 2050 €
an equivalent Notebook like an Acer Aspire 6930G-944G32BN
cost like 1050 € and is slightly better
also I feel like apple really does not care what is used to show presentations.
I mean seriously every fucking notebook has a VGA and/or DVI to connect it to a beamer.
well If you use a macbook you will have to buy a extra converter for that kind of thing that cost like 40 € ...WTF
and here is yet another prove of how useless a mac can be....
seriously no integrated DVD-ROM....WTF3
MAC is just an overpriced brand.
and vista IS far worse than xp but manly the 64bit version.
32bit version is still reliable
for the part with the viruses....i don´t know what crappy pc you have there but I never get a warning when I am online......
Repukken wrote...
Also no viruses, malware, worms, trojans etc. If your PC get viruses its your own damn fault, don't blame it on Microsoft and/or your OS.
word man word, totally right.....someone give that man a medal !
You can simply install vista and start surfing with the IE, there will be no viruses IF you visted the right sites.
SO I would suggest to stop browsing around cheap and untrustfully sites dude.......
also apple is just another profit orientated company, they just produce in china where the productions cost a very low....
and I will just let this quote stand alone
Hibia wrote...
No, go back to graphical design and being a Macfag. Some Mac's have power, but are far too expensive to justify this power. Yeah, yeah, they can run windows. But who cares? You're still using a Mac.
Macs are for designers who want to look cool and people with so much money, they have it dripping from their damn fingers.
Even if can use IE right away...I'd still use Firefox or even Opera, just because they're faster and more user friendly (plugins and all that) but I get your point. ;)
I used Vista before...for thirty minutes. It feels like some PC newbie OS to me, and the constant nagging ("Do you really want to do this?" etc.) pisses me off. XP is good, stable and mature (if you know how to use it) I'm using XP for 6 years or so, and I'm not going to change my OS anytime soon.
Even if can use IE right away...I'd still use Firefox or even Opera, just because they're faster and more user friendly (plugins and all that) but I get your point. ;)
I used Vista before...for thirty minutes. It feels like some PC newbie OS to me, and the constant nagging ("Do you really want to do this?" etc.) pisses me off. XP is good, stable and mature (if you know how to use it) I'm using XP for 6 years or so, and I'm not going to change my OS anytime soon.
I also used XP like that, but unfortunatly I have 4GiB RAM so I need a 64bit OS....well I know that there is win xp 64bit but i just tried vista from the beginning....
well like you said it´s a noob OS most of the messaged can be set off but there are still some points that bother me.....
and btw I use firefox of course I just wanted to say that vista is pretty save now.
I actually want to use something that makes me feel like I'm using a computer. I actually enjoy finding out what the problem I'm having on a computer then solving it. 9 times out of 10, the problem is fairly easy to fix, and once you fix it, its gone. Forever.
With a mac, you get a problem, you can't solve it, you cry yourself to sleep hoping that it was just a dream. Then reality falls on you like a brick wall and you have to carry your manila envelope back to the store and ask them to fix it.
I use vista and I enjoy it. I've had no problems with it. I don't understand why people cry about it saying how bad of an OS it is. Maybe if you tried using your brain a little it'll work out better.
Either way, Mac's are shit, nobody wants em, not even how pretty they look. Hell, I go to a computer store and all I hear is people saying "Mac are great! My ass, haha fuck macs, lets get out of here"
The only reason people buy it is because rich assholes who have never used a computer think the higher the price, the better the computer.
Enjoy listening to your music and using your editing software.
I have a laptop that fits in a manilla envelope easily. -_-
Actually, scratch that. I have a laptop that you can fit two of in a manilla envelope easily. That's one of the big reasons I dislike Apple: They prey on the lack of knowledge that their buyers have on the subject matter. >.>
On a semi-related note, I heard someplace that the MacBook Air is actually the second thinnest laptop in existence. :P
lol keyboard dependency over simply using the mouse
I hate Macs, and I have two very good reasons. I'm not a big computer person who can talk about how fast things are or processors or megahertz or whatever (for example, I have no idea what I just said). But my reasons for hating Macs are clear:
1) Shitty advertisements
It says a lot to me when a company can't just talk about how good their product is, when they have to badmouth the competition. It tells me that the company is run by jackasses. The mudslinging ads have not only made me despise Macs, but it's made me like Windows even more, because Windows didn't mudsling back. No, Windows took the high road and made ads that showed that the Mac ads were dumb as fuck, while not saying that Mac users were dumb as fuck. And what did Apple do in response? Say more bad things about Microsoft instead of explaining why or how Macs are better.
The latest ad really pisses me off, showing the PC guy as a man who hurts animals if they say something bad about PCs. Way to hit below the belt, Apple.
2) Overcharging for EVERYTHING
I don't hate Apple just because of laptops. A large part of why I hate Apple and Macs can be summed up very easily - the iPod.
This is old but still (kinda) relevant:
Apple has charged insane prices for everything. When the iPod came out, it was insanely priced, and though prices have gone down, it's still fucking expensive. I have a 30GB mp3 player, that plays video, for $250. Before I bought it, I did some research. A 16GB iPod with video cost almost as much as the mp3 player I got. A 30GB iPod with video would have cost me fifty dollars more. Now, my mp3 player wasn't shit. It's a Creative Zen that actually won an award the year it came out. So why the fuck is the iPod more expensive? Because Apple rips people off.
I remember when the iPhone came out. About a week later, I saw an article where some guy had figured out that it cost less than a hundred dollars to make an iPhone, and Apple was charging over $600 for one. That's gouging every consumer! In the fucking eye! Gouging them in the eye for a fucking phone that doesn't even adequately work as a phone!