its been helping me push forward - to get better at what i do atleast, things that i learn will all lead to this personal project someday... someday
I want to create something, something that's like a character on dating games. talking to it is like chatting with someone on a messenger. you type text, it responds with text and its capable of logic and it learns things like new words, new concepts, new ways of thinking etc. its just like talking to a regular human. found some way to actually allow it to say the words instead too, theoretically. well thats the simple idea
i guess it sounds stupid and very unlikely for me to be capable of such or someone will be able to make a better one but still. i wonder if there are other people interested in such things
Some things sort of like that have already been created. Oliverbot, for example, learns from things people say to it and can provide a somewhat logical response to what you say. Thing like this, however, haven't really been perfected. I think that is a very great dream to want to work with artificial intelligence, and hope you can achieve this. :)
If you want to know what Oliverbot is, here's the link:
deathpain, thank you in all sincerity and mikamikakuro too
mikamikakuro, oliver asked me what my favorite food was and i said concrete and it gave me this response: What makes food IS concrete IS concrete your favorite?
but yes, something very similar in terms of how you interact with it. seems its built in php, i intend to do the same but with flash and/or ajax added in later. thanks for the info
I guess even if one would already be existent, id still want to make my own
A.I is very interesting indeed.
I planned to major in A.I Engineering in my university and
I think it's wonderful if i could build something like Persocoms.
Mibuchiha, they say a healthy competition is always good
Mantis, somehow I think all AIs would come to that conclusion... that its better that way or do that I-Robot thing
Azizi, that is wonderful. How I freakin envy you, I wish I can go back to college and get another. I guess youd need mechanical engineering people with you for that. Realistically, I dont want to admit it since I know ill be alone but Im thinking yuo really need a complete team to pull off the real deal - even without the physical body.
It was also said that a fully functional one is somewhat impossible at the moment even if the theory would be sound for it will take too long to perform the logical computations using today's equipment (or aleast what we can afford). Like a chess game AI where the computer takes minutes to respond, it works but will you wait for minutes for a reply to "I want to eat a burger but I think I shoudlnt"