That's why MLB seriously needs a salary cap. It may give the small market teams an actual reason to start winning games.
Also, the baseball draft is fucked up too. Winning teams like the Yanks and Sox should not be able to pick up players at least for the first two rounds. It just makes them even stronger and takes good players away from the rebuilding teams. MLB seriously need some parity. Also, luxury tax is a bunch of crap when only four teams get charged. Those teams already have enough money so it's not like that affects them anyways.
Also, my hate for the Yanks grew even larger today after reading this on Wiki:
Some teams, notably the Boston Red Sox and the Milwaukee Brewers have called for the introduction of a salary cap, but the opposition of the powerful MLB players' union and the New York Yankees' ownership group (who have threatened legal action) makes implementation of a cap highly unlikely at this point in time.
... And yes, I'm a bitter baseball fan. Damn those Yankees.
As for the Jays, well they finally manage to fire J.P. Ricciardi so that's a start (How that man kept his job for 8 years is beyond me). The team still sucks though. I will be surprised if we manage to win 75+ games next year.