Moments You Live For

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Does anyone have a particular scene in their life that once it happens, you can't help but think,"This Life is Perfect"?

For instance, I dream about the day and moment when I can lay in bed with my wife by my side and my daughter snuggled in between us. My wife and I would be completely drained, and my daughter would be this ball of energy that would be talking to me the entire moment, annoying my wife to the point of disciplining her by telling her that if she uttered another word our daughter would be sleeping in her room (my wife will be a cold, feisty woman). Then my daughter would ask for a another two words,"Night, mommy" kissing her, to which my wife would reply,"Go to sleep". Little (I'm not sure about names quite yet) would turn to face me and I'd be like,"Don't worry, I'm sure mommy wanted to say,'Sweet Dreams', she may not seem it now, but your mother was quite a caring mother, and still is, she just doesn't want to show it cause YOU",*points and tickles*,"need your rest". Now this would garner a glare from my dear, and I would close the night off by kissing our daughter lightly on the forehead, and my wife on the lips, lightening her expression, finishing with,"Night my two lovely girls", and we'd drift off into the sweetness of slumber, embracing each other as we take our "family trip".

If something like that happened to me, I could be wiped from complete existence physically and spiritually, and be utterly satisfied.

Basically, does anyone else have a moment like this, be it fiction or a past occurrence, that you would like to share?
my whole's not perfect in a normal way of speaking,but all the happiness,joy,challenge and tribulation all rolled into one is what makes my life perfect.

i mean,how boring it would be if my life is all happiness and joy,without any tribulations and challenge i have to overcome?

so yeah,my life is what i live for,so to say.
I'd totally die for that moment. At least I'm not the only romantic on this website. Angelus_Lapus has also proclaimed himself to be a romantic. Our ranks are swelling!

I dream all the time about snuggling/spooning my wife when she's in bed or doing the dishes. And then we'd watch the sunset from our veranda with her head leaning on my shoulder. *train of thought leads to eroticism* and so on.
g-money wrote...
I'd totally die for that moment. At least I'm not the only romantic on this website. Angelus_Lapus has also proclaimed himself to be a romantic. Our ranks are swelling!

I dream all the time about snuggling/spooning my wife when she's in bed or doing the dishes. And then we'd watch the sunset from our veranda with her head leaning on my shoulder. *train of thought leads to eroticism* and so on.

First it's just Angelus Lapsus no _ between them and I'm more a Chivalric Romantic, than anything.

But for me that one perfect moment would be the day I get married, seeing my beautiful bride, walk through the church door's and towards me.
My bad, Angelus Lapsus.

Ah, walking down the aisle... I've totally imagined it. I think one thing that Western culture totally beats the Eastern culture at is wedding dress/gown design. There's something about dresses that creates its own appeal... maybe the elegance or simple nature of the dress?
=/ i think id just be happy assuming that i may hopefully, possibly end up with someone in the future some time who wont lie their fucking face off to me. that would be the moment i wait for...
nightclock wrote...
=/ i think id just be happy assuming that i may hopefully, possibly end up with someone in the future some time who wont lie their fucking face off to me. that would be the moment i wait for...

Good luck with that, hasn't happened to me so far....

I'll say thatthat a perfect moment to live for is a time in my life where I am able to look to my past without any trace of regret. (Totally possible, right?) :lol:
I'll probably never be able to say "Life is Perfect", or "I love life!", because I'm simply not programmed this way. I've been raised by the most pessimistic family possible, and although they keep striving, I'm always reminded of their true personalities a few times a day. My grandmother almost had a heart attack about a week ago because one of our trees made the power go out to the entire block, even though we trimmed them down a few months ago. She was so afraid someone would file lawsuit against us she kept whining.

I, on the other hand, don't sweat much about those things. I don't sweat even about the major things, since life becomes more miserable if you do.

However, there's two moments in this life when I know I'll enjoy it to its fullest.

One of them is when I finally complete the ordeal I was born for, and that is breaking my family's curse of misfortune and sadness. I don't have dreams of my own, so I'll work as hard as I can to make their dreams come true. My grandmother won't live long, and the way she smokes, my mom won't either, so I want their lives to be peaceful and happy until then. I want to wake up one morning, long after they've passed, and think "I've done well" and be able to die with no regrets.

The other one is when it's my own time to go. I'll probably be lonely, but it'll be the moment I've waited for my entire life, and I'll accept it happily if I've fulfilled my duties here. I want to be able to cross the rainbow and be received by all my dogs, who will be smiling and patiently waited for me to arrive so we can achieve happiness together.

Who knows what the future holds, though. I've vowed to keep away from women and relationships, but recently I'm really not sure if that will be able to hold true to the day I die. Who knows.
Several things could do that for me 1 is to have access to ALL the Anime and manga as well as games ever made and have enough time to go through them all and thensome.

The other would be falling in love and getting married might i add that to me a near ideal marriage ceremony is a pretty barbaric one by most peoples terms for instance instead of rings the bride and groom slash open their hands and put the wounds together. I think that would kinda make the classic for better or worse thing kinda pointless.

The last would be the ability to manipulate reality and with my belief system it is possible just improbable.
Whenever I am working on someone's computer. I know it sounds odd, but I am filled with happiness whenever I work on a machine, or get a new one and start setting it up. I also love a new RPG!
Now, I don't mean any offense, but I didn't think that full grown guys thought about getting married that much.

I don't know, I don't think about idealized things, it seems like a waste of time. But I can see the reason that most people do have idealistic dreams about their future. I just didn't think it would be concepts of love and shit.
Me, still thinking of getting better in kendo and fight a lot of strong practicion and of course enjoy anime, hentai game, video, manga and play game especially RPG then die content of my way of life.
I'd be on a hill with my wife holding hands sitting on a pick-nick blanket. Our son would be playing with our dog.Leaning on each other we'd look at him and see the smile on his face as he ran around in the grass. As he ran up to us with the dog not far behind he jump on his mother giving her the biggest hug and saying "I love you." The dog would come lay down by me and be. My son would get up and do the same to me then lay down in between us. He'd seperate our hands and then grasp each one with his hands.

To me it'd be such subtle thing yet so profound. Our son wouldn't even had known he'd done anything. He didn't know it himself but he was still connecting us. We didn't need to hold each others hands because our son would be the one connecting us. I don't know how to explain it exactly but it's special to me. It's the thing of knowing that you and your partner made this little thing that you can love unconditionally. That you both of you put the best of you together and this what came out. A child, your special link with each other.
Dante1214 wrote...
Now, I don't mean any offense, but I didn't think that full grown guys thought about getting married that much.

I don't know, I don't think about idealized things, it seems like a waste of time. But I can see the reason that most people do have idealistic dreams about their future. I just didn't think it would be concepts of love and shit.

I was thinking the same thing. When I imagine something similar to the above posts about getting married I think of that as complete defeat!

I can't think of anything that would honestly be perfect for me at the moment.
i love how your moment of your life was so simple. ^^ made me smile.

mine? well here is mine:

im on a stage with my best friend from kindergarten, and him and me are the worlds biggest rock band. he is singing a song about how he is so happy to be in love, and i am playing a riff that goes down in rock history as "a lick that when you hear it, instantly makes you think of utter love". and i am famous not because i am a guitar player, or because i am who i am, but because i play songs that people love. while i play that song, i am just enjoying that other people are enjoying the song. as i play, i have some of my friends who are in the front, and some family who are VIP behind me enjoying the music. i am just playing a song, and everyone loves it, and i am just enjoying that i get to play for people. people paid money to come see me, and so because they came, i play my heart out. after the show, i go backstage with my sis, and her friends, and the band i am with, and we are just chillin. then we are off to Nipon (Japan) and i leave family and friends behind, to continue playing for the world. and i send a message to the world through me and my bands' songs "never stop trying, and when your denied, try harder".

i dont care if i am only liked by a cult following, a few people, or just a single state of people. as long as people love to hear me and my band, i will play hard.
married to the right person...

love each other and shit

have kids

watch my kids grow-up

let my kids go finally

have a rest of my life in a farm with my lovely wife
aznstoner wrote...
Does anyone have a particular scene in their life that once it happens, you can't help but think,"This Life is Perfect"?

For instance, I dream about the day and moment when I can lay in bed with my wife by my side and my daughter snuggled in between us. My wife and I would be completely drained, and my daughter would be this ball of energy that would be talking to me the entire moment, annoying my wife to the point of disciplining her by telling her that if she uttered another word our daughter would be sleeping in her room (my wife will be a cold, feisty woman). Then my daughter would ask for a another two words,"Night, mommy" kissing her, to which my wife would reply,"Go to sleep". Little (I'm not sure about names quite yet) would turn to face me and I'd be like,"Don't worry, I'm sure mommy wanted to say,'Sweet Dreams', she may not seem it now, but your mother was quite a caring mother, and still is, she just doesn't want to show it cause YOU",*points and tickles*,"need your rest". Now this would garner a glare from my dear, and I would close the night off by kissing our daughter lightly on the forehead, and my wife on the lips, lightening her expression, finishing with,"Night my two lovely girls", and we'd drift off into the sweetness of slumber, embracing each other as we take our "family trip".

If something like that happened to me, I could be wiped from complete existence physically and spiritually, and be utterly satisfied.

Basically, does anyone else have a moment like this, be it fiction or a past occurrence, that you would like to share?

i think my perfect life would be a flawed but happy wedding, laying in bed next to my husband and being happy in the presence of each other, and just no major issues with our family. ex. drugs, drinking, law issues
Ok, heres my ideal moment that i imagined.

Im a traveling martial artist walking around the world and refining my skills. Everyday i live a simple life where its only me and my training partner where we eat, sleep, train, and fight. At a major tournament, my partner and I participate where we end up in the finals and the match becomes either a tie or one of us wins. After the match is over, one of us says to the other "You have truly become strong" and we continue on our path to strength
My moments that I longing for is being embraced by God himself in the hereafter.To feel the utmost
form of love who only God can truly gives toward His faithful servant.
I hope to get married and have kids, but I think my biggest thing is to help others and make them smile. I accepted that everyone dies eventually and that there is pain and suffering in the world, so I'm not being unrealistic like saying, "I'm going to save everyone!". I hope that I can make others happy, even if its just for a moment, so that they can have their moment to live for.

I know this might sound a bit corny and might not happen, but this is the dreams and aspirations section so this is my aspiration! (^^)
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