Advent wrote...
Well... that diagram might help you... but its turning the whole affair of sex into a scientific procedure that can be broken down by conducting certain activities at certain times through the experience instead of something that is ruled by passion.
I'd say, first. Take a deep breath friend... Relax... The fact that you two both have consented to sex means that shes (obviously) willing to have sex with you. A little ego boost there, you must've done something right :). Someone stated earlier that mentioning your inexperienced will help even the ground. I agree completely. By saying this is your first time, you'll level the playing field, she'll know not to place such high high expectations on the experience, and also it takes a load of you, allowing you to explore the situation without feeling nervous or doubting yourself, making you feel at ease (somewhat).
Next... go with the flow. Without passion sex is just something animals do. Maybe ask her what her turn ons and offs are? See what she likes, and whilst having sex try and incoporate those areas! If that approach is to forward for you, then during sex I believe a very important factor is to multitask.
Don't just remain on one area for 75% of the time and then switch to another area towards the end. Makes for a boring experience that does. Multi task whilst having sex, fondle, stroke, kiss, and tease her whilst having sex. It greatly elevates the experience from meager, to amazing.
Before hand though, if you really wanna get her motor revved up and ready for you. Foreplay my friend. Foreplay makes a world of difference. That's where teasing her also dramatically elevates the erotic side of things for her. At the end of all this though, just breathe. Relax, whilst thats easier said than done. Don't stress to much, all the nerves your feeling now are natural, however they are small in comparison. I'm sure you'll do great haha. all the best.
TT still haven't got those points back...
the diagram is wat you make it.
passion for a virgin=premature ejaculation.
instead of a burning fire, let it be a smouldering ember that urself have control at will.
work at a slow pace instead of a bunny rabbit in heat.
good sex is from the fruits of good self control as well placed passion.
if u're so hot and bothered instead of your body use your mouth to express/say it while you get to work.