Nightmare is one of my favorite bands, they're just SOOOO hilarious. Especially the sit-down interviews, and most of all, SENDAI KAMOTSU. Those guys are the blast.
My most favorite one of theirs is "Mad Black Machine".
Their recent PV, "Rem", is also good at best.
I'll try to update this thread regularly with Nightmare goodies ^_^ Ciao ne for now.
Possibly my favourite band ever.
I love their variety of styles, their neo-classical progression forms, their lyrics (when I've put them through a translator), their riffs... pretty much everything about them except how rushed their latest album felt.
I have all 6 of their studio albums (that aren't compilations lol), and I'd have to say that anima is my favourite. The second half is so beautiful and introvertive; it even made me cry a little!