Good fuckkity god! I swear on my dead grandmother's grave I did not download anything nearly suspicious. Aside from some pics in the nosebleeds section and pics from Big Boobs Alert I downloaded NOTHING! I went NOWHERE I thought could trigger this, and yet again, it reappeared. I'm going to repeat the removal process, but seriously, why is it doing this?
Related, immediately before [Vista Smart Security 2010) popped-up, AVG said that it detected a threat, I don't remember the infected file but it said it was a 'Liberty Exploit Kit (1048)'. Anyone have any clue?
The only possible thing I can imagine doing this was either something remained hidden on my HD or
I noticed that, while reading a piece of fanfic posted on Jessica Elwood's DevArt page, that there were continual loadings going on...perhaps DevArt is infected?
[EDIT:] Just finished the scan and Malewarebytes found no malicious infections. "Vista Smart Security 2010" Is still on my computer. I was using the same .exe files from yesterday, but they wouldn't need to have been updated, right? Or is it that the name has changed as as such the registry key .exe doesn't target it? Because the name is different than what appears in the original link I posted.
Please, I need help with this.