Yes, that's right. Now, you too can have secks with lolis, thanks to your very own Pedobear plushie! :D
[size=5]Warning: Secks with lolis is illegal in most countries. Pedobear Plushie does not come with fake certificate of custodianship or drivers license for loli.[/h]
Might take a while before they find a distributor. Then again, maybe it won't! Very soon you might find this guy sitting next to regular stuffed animals at a toy store. ...It'll be funny when an unsuspecting father gives one of these to his daughter on her birthday. She takes it to school for show and tell...CPS drops by her home the next morning...ahh, good times.
Heard about this this is actually true...
two words:
Must have pedobear I'll luff and snuggle at it all days <3
made me wonder if we will see kids had pedobear instead of teddy bear and they looked at internet just to know what pedobear really is lol
This is awesome! Now let's just hope that those Pedobears wont come to life at night and try to raep some little god! That's his master plan isn't it!? Pedobear is a sick but clever bear.