GSDAkatsuki wrote...
You don't get it, the ammunition will have to be built into the arms too or else it would be pointless to have such a weapon. If you actually have to fit cartridges into the arm then it would be jsut a waist of time. Ammo would have to be built in the damn thing but it would add undesired weight to one focused part of the body. The thing wouldn't be built for simple pistol rounds either. The reason this giant hunk would be built is for the army. They would need to use it for their main weaponry. THey would fill it up with rifle rounds, and lots of it. Also in emergencies of being taken on and off it would jsut take too much time. In a sudden attack you would have to put on the damn thing and would prob take to long. If you had to take it off for the many different reasons that meet soldiers in combat, then it wouldn't be feasible as well. Also what would be the command for firing the bullets? Clenching your fists?
In my idea this weapon is magazine fed, keeping the minimal amount of parts on the weapon to make it smaller, so there would be a magazine port and magazine to be used on this weapon, the firing command can be mostly anything, a button on the palm, or in the pinky that you press against the palm, or eletric impulses from a particular hand movement, or even a leaver/string I am not sure of how it is called, it is connected to a ring in the middle finger, then to a flexible bar that is activated when pulling your fhand closed on a fist down, there are many poissible ways to fire the thing you can pick any.
As I mentioned this isn't a main weapon, but an additional weapon for powered armors, if you want a good example of this kind of thing download the manga Red Eyes, you will see a ton of them there. I am not discussing how they would or should be used in conbat situations, but if it is possible to build it using modern technology. In my view the most tricky issue would be the firing command/trigger, but with imagination it can be solved.