I noticed that many hentais with the pettanko tag arent pettanko at all so can we just discuss this subject a bit?
i'm not sure who decides over the tags but pettanko means "flat chested" and its about a girl insure about this. While the second part is often correct because the girl is worried about her size, their boobs are usually still big!
I dont know if people judge by the actual breast size inrelated to the girls size and just make the girl really tiny so the boobs make up half of her chest anyway or what but thats annoying right?
Can we have some big girls with small boobs that look small compared to their whole body too?
If "thats" pettanko=flat chested what the fuck am i then?
A black hole?
seriously it makes me so concious about my boobs and they are cute okey so i dont think i should have to be.
We have big boobs in most hentai cant we be a bit more picky about our pettankos?
Because of much text here some cute pictures ♡