K-A wrote...
Dont bother with it, seriously thats just one stupid idiots view point, seriously these kinds of people need to get a can of kick ass from time to time but seriously the thought of taking the maids hostage is more absurd.
these kinds of people need to disappear from the face of this world (--,)
It is a single asshole's opinion, but the problem is that there's a hell of a lot more than a handful of these dicks thinking the same way, and they're rich. I don't know how many of them there are, but en masse, people tend to do some really messed up shit and having money has a strong tendency to make things worse. I'm not Chinese and I'm not sure about the general mindset regarding the situation over there, but even though it's just an asshole spouting bullshit, if certain elements become exacerbated, it could become something much worse.
In any country, rich people are fucked up. I can see them taking maids hostage, even executing them to "send a message." That's not directed at the Chinese alone, when pseudo-nationalism and psychosis are involved rich people in any country are liable to do terrible things.
Jonoe wrote...
I don't mean to burst your bubble, but this was just a opinion. You really can't look at this and believe this one man speaks for all of China. I'm sure they have their own flaws, when I read this article I found it more amusing than offensive. I'm not offended by this article because most of it is true, there are Filipinos from the middle east to China mostly working low wage jobs who have 4 yr degrees. I say a Filipino is more concerned about providing his/her family with food and education then their pride. I'm okay that my home land is called a "Nation of Servants" because we are and we take pride in it. If you question my statement, ask yourself what do most Filipinos want to be and what are known around the world for? We Filipinos excel in taking care of others.
Like I said, I'm not Chinese, but I found the article, much like anything with racist/prejudice sentiment, humorous. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with Filipinos and the whole maid thing. You gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Wanting to take care of people, even if you're getting paid and most of them don't need to be taken care of, isn't wrong.