Yeaaaaa... Mine Sister, here, plays D&D et never really had much on it. Play otherwise games that give off the game... You know? Buh, never really played it myself. Sew, today took the leap. Mind you, I had less than two days of business to figure out what wanted et how the game played.
When her friend's arrived for the game.. They jumped on meh. Gawh! Really felt like had to fight mine way into what wanted for MINE OWN Character. Mind you, they were highly hopeful et surprised on mine choices. Constantly giving congrats that was building a powerful character. Everything mapped out wonderfully... Still felt kind of taken over, nevertheless, still was fun.
Well, anyways, most session we/they were building meh up et was learning mine role ect... Dice, admits, kind of confused meh, buh caught on. Numbers aren't hard, buh wish could have the mind to snoop into the GM Guild et check where/what numbers he was pulling out to determine anything/action.
Twas, amusing et most enjoyable. Love roleplay et MMRPG .. Sew! Things went great. Except, mine spells are all out of order, et need to do some edits until the next round. This time ALONE without people down mine neck reading meh descriptions like Eshi seems a fucking idoit... Meeeeeeeeerrrr! Just because Eshi ish pretty girl, nuh means that this smexy love ish non a geek inside. Heh!
Yep! Yep! Input ish wishful... Hopes enjoyed this random thread/post.