EVP can also be applied in certain cases such as:
One of my friend was engaged in a conversation in her phone. She was in her pad then, alone. Then she told the guy to wait because she had to get something. After she returned the guy got angry to her because she said she was alone but the guy said she's not. In the time that she was "away" and she left the phone on her bed, somethig/someone* talked to the guy and asked him if he wants to drink coffee too. The interesting part is that her dolls (named miranda and blaire) were in the bed too, and both have their cup-play set.
EVP also happened into one of my friends' trainees in a Call-center training center. while he was talking, another voice was in the background, and it's not possible since it was only a call simulation, done in a quiet room.
the voice is female and small